Berkeley House Capital are delighted to announce they are sponsoring and supporting one of the Directors, Martyn Thornton, in his quest to row the Atlantic Ocean solo in December 2020. A total of 3000 miles across the Atlantic from La Gomera in the Canaries to Antigua
Martyn has taken on the challenge to provide support to the well-known charity Horseheard Horseheard provide equine based mental health support to a broad range of groups and individuals.
When speaking to Martyn about the challenge, and specifically why he wanted to row the Atlantic he highlighted a few of the driving factors….” I think the desire has come from 2 different areas actually: firstly as a trained coach experienced in helping people resolve the challenges they face I have come face to face with the impact mental stress can cause, and felt that was a worthwhile cause.
Secondly my interest and love of the sea, some years back in a former career I was in the process of setting up a Yacht share business, so some unfinished business in many ways”
Whilst we all understand the need for relaxation, the ability to combine a passion and a good cause is often what drives people on. We certainly all look forward to wishing Martyn a successful journey - rather him than me!
Prior to the actual race, which Martyn aims to compete in under 60 days, he is busy raising money for Charity, (please sponsor him here and of course getting the many hours in on his boat, practicing everything from rowing to navigation.
In addition to that, as he was one of the founders for Berkeley Hose Capitals ‘The Yacht Bond’ Martyn will be busy bringing in funding against this great product, visiting the Monaco Yacht Show and various other events with our partners around the world – and of course promoting the opportunity for a few more donations to his charity.
Rowing the Atlantic single handed
For more information on the challenge please reach out to Martyn via his website For information on ‘The Yacht Bond’ contact Martyn directly:
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